Read it easy!

Desktop App for Source Code Reading

Start your free 30-day trial

Source code reading is a hard thing.

Can you read and understand the source code other people write?

Why do you avoid reading the source code as far as possible?

Do you spend too much time searching the internet instead of reading the source code?

Better experience makes you a better developer

You can ease your uncomfortable feelings with Read it easy

  • Overcome your fear
  • Save your time
  • Enhance your performance

One click pane addition

No complicated menu. Just one click to add a pane and kick off your better code reading experience.

Multiple panes

Relieve pressure for code reading. Display all the code you need in a screen with multiple panes and you don't have to temporarily memorize the part of the code. Of course, annoying tab switching will be gone.

Sortable panes

A file you're reading on the center, others on the side. Focus on the center, store information on the side. Keep your comfortable environment for code reading with just drag & drop.

Make it easier to read

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